As with the
movies, these may not be my absolute favorite games of all time. But
they're 10 excellent games that I could pick up again and play at any
moment, and I consider that to be just as important.
Sonic 3 and Knuckles
so this one is closer to 2 games. After all, they were released as 2
separate games...because of the holiday rush to get Sonic 3 out. Put
them together, though, and you get one of the most epic platformers
put on a 16-bit console. Three playable characters, with a different
story between playing as Sonic or Knuckles. Innovative and fun
levels that push the 10 minute time limit. And easily the last
agreeably great Sonic game. Nothing since has quite compared to it.
Team Fortress 2
Very rarely am I
even barely interested in a multiplayer only game. Maybe it was the
inclusion in The Orange Box, maybe it was the cartoony graphics, but
Team Fortress 2 hooked me so much that it's easily the game on this
list I've put the most time into. The basic hyperactive, often
hilarious, gameplay hasn't changed since launch, but its many
additions with new game modes and weapons have only made the game
more complex and a good reason to pick it up again when it falls off
my radar.
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
To my knowledge,
the only game on this list that I've also written a review for. Take
the intriguing and twisting writing of the Phoenix Wright series, mix
it with adventure gameplay that's simultaneously challenging and fun,
and give the game a style all to its own. Ghost Trick might very
well be one of the best adventure games of recent years, and its
unique gameplay style may be imitated in the future, but it can never
truly be matched.
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Flip a coin
between the first and second Galaxy games and you've still got
perfection. 2's additions (Yoshi being the biggest one) make it the
choice for this list, but either way, there's an incredible galaxy of
worlds awaiting, where you never quite know where you're going to end
up next or what the challenges are going to be, but they're always
exciting and vibrant. Nintendo showed off exactly what the Wii could
do with this series.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
When Kojima
doesn't want to make a sequel, he makes a story that's incredibly
confusing (MGS2) or overloaded with exposition (MGS4). When he does
want to make a sequel, hell freezes over and we get Metal Gear Solid
3. The story is straightforward but emotionally complex, dealing
with themes of betrayal and patriotism. Meanwhile, the gameplay is
tight, with the camoflage, stamina, and healing systems all adding
great new elements, and the boss battles being some of the series'
best—especially when you learn their secret tricks. The
Subsistence and HD re-releases fixed the camera and made things even
positioned itself as the 2.5D platformer to end all platformers.
Maybe not, but it was close. The fun and simple gameplay has its
faults, to be sure, especially in the story mode. But when you went
into the user-made content, suddenly the sky's the limit. From a
recreation of the Titanic to tropical resorts, from tales of
espionage to a trek through a pyramid, my favorite moments of
LittleBigPlanet are the ones that people came up with. The second
game gave more to do—sadly, the platforming potential ended up
pushed to the sidelines.
Rock Band 3
The only rhythm
game you ever need. Adding the keyboards did wonders for its
gameplay, with the pro keyboard mode being some of the most difficult
fun I've had in a rhythm game. That may be the only thing putting it
here over the first two Rock Bands, but with the full store at your
disposal (sadly diminished now thanks to expiring licenses), there's
plenty of songs to find for your next get-together, and the no-fail
mode means that you can all play the hardest songs and not have to
stare down the person who fails out within 15 seconds. The most fun
you can have with your favorite songs outside of drunk karaoke.
Ace Attorney: Trials and
The visual novel
genre has never really taken off in America like it has in Japan,
likely due to the lack of any gameplay besides making decisions. Ace
Attorney is one of the few series to have any real gameplay, which
let it gain a foothold, and as much as Capcom wants to keep it down,
it has continually provided some of the best stories in video games.
Trials and Tribulations is the high point with memorable characters
and plots that twist so much that you never know what's going to come
next. This also marks the end of the original trilogy in a huge way,
wrapping up many of its plotlines and providing some truly great
scenes. The Phoenix Wright games don't leave much to replayability,
but the excellent story can be experienced over and over again.
Sly 2: Band of Thieves
The first Sly game
entertained me with its Saturday morning cartoon aesthetics and mix
of platforming and stealth. The second Sly game blew me away. The
straightforward levels became miniature open worlds, free to explore
and find their secrets as you set up for incredible heists. Each
mission you completed starting putting the pieces together, but the
heists themselves provided the real excitement, as every skill you've
learned comes together until you hit the great boss battles. Adding
Murray and Bentley as playable characters gave the game more variety,
and the story, while simplistic, touched on some real emotions
towards its climax (although closure would not come until the
also-great Sly 3). The closest to Ocean's Eleven you're going to get
in video game form.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of
The first time I
played Sands of Time...I didn't get it. The combat was awful. The
platforming was difficult. The time mechanic seemed pointless.
Something drew me back to it, and then something clicked. The
parkour-based platforming is smooth and fun, with the time mechanic
reducing some of the harshness while making it no less satisfying
when you wall-run and jump across a room. Navigating around the
palace's traps is exciting and difficult. The story is developed and
stunning, based not around the sand monsters that roam the palace,
but among the subtle changes in the relationship between The Prince
and Farrah. The still not that great, but hey, even
perfect games are a little less than perfect.